Monthly Archives: February 2011

New 52: Week 8–Under the Sea

Saturday we had Family Fun Day.  Our ultimate destination was the Under the Sea exhibit at Crown Center for Robert.

We got up and headed down to Crown Center.  We stopped briefly for breakfast at Einstein Brothers.

Hallmark has a great place for kids, Kaleidoscope.  It’s a place where kids can come create things out of leftover materials from Hallmark production.  Jim had never been so we decided to see if we could get into the 11:20am Family Session.  We got there at 11 and there was no line so they let us go on back.  There was no crowd.  It was a lot better than the last time I took Robert and the place was packed.

For the longest time we were the only ones in the neon paint room.  It has black light and you paint with neon paints.
Neon Painting

There is also a wall where you can paint with light wands and it snaps pictures and incorporates your picture into the painting.  Really cool.
Light BoardLight Wand with MamaLight Wand

They have a table with square pieces of chip board that you can color…
Puzzle Making

… then you run it through the cutting machine and it makes it into a puzzle.

Puzzle CuttingPainting Crown

RC & Mama on Couch

This room had buttons that made different noises when you pressed them.  Buttons AND noise… it was Robert’s favorite, hands down!

Sound Room

Afterwards we headed down to the “Under the Sea” exhibit.  It’s a bunch of things the kiddos can climb on and play in all with an ocean theme.  They change up things in the exhibit hall every few months.  Last year at this time it was the Clifford.

I had to chuckle that they had a pirate ship and it was the first day in FOREVER that Robert was not wearing his pirate hat.
Pirate Ship

Little HouseMamaOctopusShark DiverSubmarine

I stuck my head in one of the cut outs and told Robert I was stuck.  Instead of pushing my head back he pulled it all the way through… I almost did get stuck!
Mama Head Stuck

Afterwards we got a slushee for Robert and ran to Function Junction so I could spend one of my Muncharoos.  I got some really cool dinosaur cookie cutters at Function Junction so I could make T-Rex cookies for Robert.  He loved them. 

I finally got around to calling my uncle this morning.  We’ve emailed all week and I’ve kept tabs on him but I haven’t been able to dial their number.  I used to talk to my aunt nightly and I knew she wouldn’t answer the phone.  But, I can’t be in denial forever so I called this morning…  and got the answering machine!  He called back when we got home and we had a good talk.  We’re figuring out all the what next’s.


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For Today

I stole this from Peppermint’s blog…

It’s from The Simple Woman’s Daybook and it’s such an intriguing list of leading statements – or “journaling prompts” as we call them.


Outside my window…snow, snow and more snow.  My God I am sick of snow!

I am thinking…about some friends who are having a rough patch with family/marriage.  About how I need to call my uncle (we’ve emailed all week) but I know if I do reality will set in that my aunt is not answering the phone.  I miss our nightly calls.  About plans for family fun day tomorrow and what we should do.  About my nephew and hoping his life can turn around a bit soon.  About a great meeting at work today and how there are some neat opportunities just around the corner.  About if I have clean socks for tomorrow.  My mind is going a million miles a minute.

I am thankful for…a weekend with the boys.  We need this time to reconnect and have fun and make memories. 

From the kitchen…I need to dig through my recipes to find something fun to feed my parents on Sunday, a new recipe – although that’s always a little risky with company but I figure my parents have to love me even if it’s a bad dish.

I am wearing…sweats… it’s cold in here tonight.  Actually I’m always cold.

I am creating…mostly messes.  I need to get the creative ju ju going again.  Trying to get my 2010 year in review layouts done.  Want to make a photo book of Robert and Aunt Barb together so that the next time there is a good printing deal I can get it printed.  Need to work on yearly review books.  And of course, there are all the current things we are doing to scrap and record.

I am going…to try to quit smoking, again.  I promised my uncle.  Bought the patches tonight and sometime this weekend will put one on and try again.  Perhaps the 754th time is the charm.

I am reading…Bright Lights Big Ass by Jen Lancaster… except I can’t seem to find any time to read lately.  Need to dig the Nook out of my briefcase and charge it up.  February is over and I’m not through with my “B” book in my A to Z challenge… I need to step it up or I’m never going to make it through the alphabet this year!

I am hoping…I can get my mind to shut down so I can get some sleep.

I am hearing…the dog snoring and the TV in the background.

Around the house…it looks like a bomb exploded.  Between Jim being out of town one week and me busy with family commitments the next we’ve gotten WAY behind on everything.  Need to remedy that this weekend.

One of my favorite things…spending time with Jim and Robert.  Tonight we went out for pizza and to Target.  Nothing super fancy or fun but it’s so nice just to be together as a family.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Family fun day tomorrow.  A ton of housework.  Busy week at work with reports and grants to write.

A picture I love:  My little lego, train loving boy.


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Multiple Personalities

Robert cracks me up with his multiple personalities.  He puts on a hat and transforms into a different character.  Tonight, thanks to the Backyardigans, he had to be a cowboy.  And of course, a cowboy needs a horse… enter Mama the horse.  He was so funny.  “Horse, we ride the range now.”  “Thank you horse.”Cowboy

Later he was a construction worker.  Apparently one with a gambling addiction.  He loves carrying this dice cup around these days.  I’ve been joking that he’s getting craps games together during free time at preschool.

Construction Worker

Finally he was a high-tech pirate ruling the iTouch from his ship.  I love how he works the headphones around the hat.Hi Tech Pirate

It was a good night of doing nothing but playing with Robert.  I need more nights like this.

I got an email from my uncle today, he has done so much walking and Wii bowling with his left hand that the therapist didn’t think he needed any formal physical therapy at this point.  Just keep doing what he’s been doing.  He’s keeping active.  He’s taking care of himself.  He’s going to be fine.

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New 52–Week 7

I missed Week 6… or maybe I didn’t… I did a lot of new last week and this week.  But I didn’t do any of that because I wanted to.  So on to this week’s new.  SMALLCAKES… yeah!!!  I’ve been reading about them forever and we needed a fun family outing today so we headed out to their newest location in Lee’s Summit.  Robert loves cupcakes (so do I).  More than one time this week I thought of their slogan, “Maybe A Cupcake Would Help”  It definitely won’t hurt!

A little bit of heaven on earth!


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The Final Chapter

I showed up at the hospital at 6am on Saturday.  I was armed with photos of Robert and a Valentine Robert made for Aunt Barb.  I had an hour and 15 minutes alone with her.  I told her we’d be taking the sedation off in a bit and I know she has heard some scary, scary things but I needed her to fight and everything would be OK.

About 9am we stopped the sedation.  She didn’t wake up.  Five hours later when she hadn’t woken up they called the surgeon.  He ordered a CAT scan.  She had suffered a massive stroke.  They could operate but it would be futile and couple that with the tumor she would spend the rest of her life paralyzed and unable to speak.  There was no hope for a significant recovery.  He told my Uncle this over the phone.  I hit the roof.  The surgeon didn’t care about my Aunt but the least he could have done was delivered the news in person.  Or at the very least, had a nurse prep my Uncle for what he was going to say.  When he showed up at the hospital THREE HOURS LATER.  He explained that he was 40 minutes away and if we had opted for surgery he would have had to mobilize a surgical team.  Nice try douchebag.  I happen to know that a hospital administrator called you.  Fuck you and your apologies.

The rest of the weekend is pretty much a blur.  Sunday they moved her to palliative care.  She lasted until Monday at 11:40am.  My Uncle was with her until the end.  As was I and my youngest aunt.  We talked to her.  We held her hand.  We told her it was OK to quit fighting.

Then, a change in the family happened.  All of a sudden, I was no longer a child, I was an adult.  Three of the adults I had looked to all my life, my Mother, my Aunt and my Uncle were looking to me to make decisions.  I planned the funeral.  I called the friends.  I wrote the obituary.   I was the one to go to the house and pick up my Uncle on Tuesday and take him to the funeral home.  I answered the questions.  I held him when he cried.  He asked me to do the eulogy.

Apparently after I left him Tuesday he got the mail.  There was a patient satisfaction survey from the surgeon’s office to my Aunt asking if she was satisfied with her recent surgery.  My uncle told me about it the next day.  He was extremely angry when he was telling me about it and was apparently angrier the day before when he called them to tell them since she was dead and he had just come from the funeral home that he’d say she was probably unsatisfied.  Apparently in his anger he also had a small stroke.  He complained to me Wednesday about weakness on his left side.  I thought it was grief.

Tuesday night I stayed up until 2:30am scanning photos and making collages for the visitation. 

Wednesday I went to the funeral home in the afternoon to set up the memorial table and all I can say is “HOLY INAPPROPRIATENESS” on some of the conversation with the woman there.  I know she thought she was comforting me and that we are now BFF’s.  Talk about clueless.  Among my favorites were “keep my uncle busy because spouses who have been married that long tend to die within months of each other”; “maybe my uncle could bake cookies for her son because he’s allergic to like 25 things” and “does my other uncle sell his cows because they are looking for a side of beef to fill a freezer”. 

We made it through the visitation Wednesday night.  My friend Ginnie watched the house and cooked an amazing meal for my uncle and I. 

Thursday morning I got a call from my uncle.  He was weaker on his left side.  He was calling 9-1-1.  I met him at the hospital.  I calmly explained to the doctor that my Aunt had just died and he was just grieving and we needed to go because the funeral was at 10.  The doctor calmly explained to me that in his professional opinion there was legitimate muscle weakness on the left side and they were admitting him.  He wanted us to go on with the funeral.  My Aunt Sue & Uncle Ross got to the hospital at 8:30am (I called them at 5:30am and told them to get on the road up here).  Ross stayed with my Uncle at the hospital.

We got back to the house at 8:45.  By 9:15 I was showered, changed and in the limo on the way to the services.  I gave the eulogy.  Several people said they didn’t know how I could do it but I knew no one could honor her more.  It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.  But I did it.  I nailed it.  It was my final gift to her.  Here is what I said:

Barb was my aunt and an incredible person. I’ve said on more than one occasion the past week, “There are no words.” But now it is the time for words. Having difficulty finding words of my own I’ve borrowed a lot from friends and family and things they have shared. It’s not easy to sum Barb up in a short amount of time. It would take days to say everything I want to say. I promise you, I won’t take that long.

God made the right decision in making Barb a girl. If she had been a boy, her Uncle Glen wanted them to name her Mort… and she just didn’t look like a Mort. But Mort, in the end, may have been less confusing than Barbara Ann. Half of you know her as Barb, half of you know her as Ann. That’s because when she was little and grandma was having to yell at the three sisters (which I’m pretty sure happened quite often) “Beth, Ann & Sue!” rolled off the tongue easier than “Lela, Barbara & Della!” Yes, none of them use their given first name full time. To me she was Aunt Barb so I will be calling her Barb today.

Fabulous, wonderful, special. These are three words that have come up time and time again the past few days to describe her when I talk with various people from Aunt Barb’s life. And they are all so appropriate. She was a daughter, a sister, a wife, an aunt, a friend and a loved employee. Each role that she played in her life she did well, and with passion.

Barb was one of those special people who never met a stranger. She had an uncanny ability to relate to just about anyone she met on some level.

Barb would do anything she could for a friend in need. Day or night you could call her. And if it was something she couldn’t do, she would send George. They were an incredible team. They could always count on each other. They never let “little things” become “big things”. For the past 46 years they have shared their lives with each other. Forty-six years is a long time. They could answer each other’s questions before they were asked. If there was ever a definition of true love, it was them. Our family is so lucky that we have him.

Barb was the caretaker of the family. She always put everyone else ahead of her. When her parents needed to go to the doctor or hospital, Barb and George were always there, it didn’t matter if it was day or night.

She was also the thread that tied us together. She kept up with what everyone was doing from immediate family to cousins out of state. We are having to find a new way to communicate and keep up in the coming days.

In the beginning, Barb was the pesky little sister to Beth and the protective big sister to Sue. There are too many stories of the three of them. When they were little Barb was the cute one. My Grandmother worked in a diner and all the customers were always commenting on how cute Barb was. Beth, the oldest, had enough of that one day and took Barb into the kitchen. She put an empty oatmeal box under her ear, took a knife and proceeded to start cutting her ear off. She reasoned that Barb wouldn’t be quite so cute with only one ear. Luckily my Grandmother walked in before any permanent damage was done. Barb did her share of damage to her sisters too. One day when they had been told to not get dirty, they were in their good clothes and would be leaving for church soon, Barb whacked Sue in the head with a baseball bat. Eventually the sisters all grew up, with no visible scars. They may not have gotten along all the time but they had a good friendship and enjoyed spending time together and each one would do anything for the other.

There is a specific reason I chose Emerson’s “To Laugh Often” for the reading today. Was there ever anyone on Earth who laughed more than Barb. Her laughter was infectious. She found humor in everything. She shared her laughter. She helped me learn to laugh. I can remember specific times and places when we had each other absolutely rolling… but I can’t remember what got us started laughing… because it was probably something small and insignificant. I could look at her and she’d get a gleam in her eye and that was it. We tried to remember at solemn occasions or places to NEVER make eye contact.

To win the respect of intelligent people. She did but I don’t think she ever truly realized it. That was part of her charm. She never thought she was anything “special”. Barb worked for the same company for 32 years. She often joked about how smart could she be to go to work for a propane company that had just burned down. She held many positions in the company from Customer Service Representative to Plant Manager. There was a rumor that if a tank needed to be set all Barb needed was someone to supply the brawn and she could supply the brains to make it happen. Whenever there was a tricky technical question and an Operations Manager wasn’t around it was always, “Ask Barb, she’ll know!”

When Ferrellgas bought Suburban in 2004, Barb trained their employees on how to work on the Suburban system.  She then learned how to use Ferrllgas’s old system Focus, and then she helped prepare the system to convert into PeopleSoft.   Then she learned PeopleSoft in one month.  She worked on 3 different systems in 2 months.  She could do anything!!  And do it Well!!! Barb helped train all the new District Managers that came though the Kansas City office.  They all loved Barb.

Shortly after she turned 65 Barb turned in her letter of resignation. Her boss at the time, Jon Favrow said, “I was shocked, didn’t really want to even touch it, and knew I had to do something, we could not afford to lose someone like Barb. So I asked what would it take to keep her around? She said, "I don’t want to answer the phones any longer, but I do love waiting on the counter customers!" OK, no problem. What else? "I like doing Accounts Payable, and behind-the-scenes things!" Check. What else? "I only want to work two days a week, and spend the rest of the time volunteering, spending time with family, and traveling!" You got it. She asked if this was some kind of a joke, she couldn’t just pick and chose? I told her sure she could, she’s earned it, and it was a helluva lot better than losing someone like her. Thank goodness she stayed, one of the best moves I made in KC.”

The customers didn’t always like Barb not being around 5 days a week though. It seemed like every other one would ask where she was on her day off, they all loved Barb, it wasn’t that they didn’t trust anyone else, but they just knew Barb had all the answers and would take good care of them. Even the smart-alecky customers liked Barb because she was always ready with a witty comeback, and would usually get the best of them.

Yes, I’d say she won the respect of intelligent people.

The affection of children. Oh boy did she have the affection of children. Anyone here ever heard of Robert? If you haven’t you’ve either been living under a rock for the past three years or you’re in the wrong service. She doted on that little boy. She loved him and thought he was wonderful even before he was born. I remember she was having rotator cuff surgery before he was born and she was so worried that she wouldn’t be able to hold him. I think that helped her to heal extra quick from the surgery. They shared a special relationship. She took him (and me) on our first trip to Deanna Rose Farmstead. He immediately loved the goats… and the goats loved Barb because she was always carrying a large bag they could root around in. I think their favorite was the year she brought the straw purse. Every March we would start planning our trip to the farm. She introduced us to Wonderscope and would play with Robert in the golf ball room. And dress up in costumes in the farm to market room. She introduced us to Fritz’s where the food is delivered by trains… he is now wild about trains.

And before Robert it was Donald and Erika. Every year we would meet at Crown Center at Christmas time to have lunch, see Santa and take in all the activities they have there. Every Good Friday we would color Easter Eggs. I remember one year, when Beth was not along, Barb decided the kids didn’t really need to use the dippers that come with the kits… it would be much easier to just use their hands. Until she realized, a bit too late, that dye does not just wash out of their hands. She taught me to be a good aunt and those were big shoes to fill.

And before them it was Brad and Susie. There was no bigger treat than spending a weekend with Aunt Barb and Uncle Ward. I remember trips to the park, getting ice cream and many a happy summer day at their pool.

She loved us all. She made birthdays special. She started different traditions with us all. She was never too busy when we were around to play a game, do a craft project, read a story or whatever else we could think of for her to do.

To appreciate beauty. Barb found beauty in so many things. She loved animals. That love for animals started at a young age when a sheep the family had in Turner had four lambs. She helped care of those lambs and named them Betsy, Bozo, Beanie and Buster. She continued that love for animals throughout her life having parakeets and later her dogs DumDum, Heather, Kelly and cats Get Smart and Lord Percy.

She also loved watching the horse races. One year she organized a bunch of us to go out to the Woodland’s to watch the Belmont Stakes, the final leg of the Triple Crown. We’d go early and bet on the dog races and then bet on the horse race. Of course, after the races it was always back to her house for a meal and time to talk and laugh about our day at the track. She also always had side bets with her brother-in-law Ross.

She also loved betting on football. For years Suburban Propane had a football pool. After a few years interest died down, I think because people were so tired of her winning so much! Especially when they found out that her “secret picking weapon” was which team had the best tushes. Yep, that’s how she picked the winner, who looked best in their pants. Of course, there was one team she would never bet against, her beloved Packers. It was only natural that Barb was a Packer fan since she was married to the world’s biggest Packer fan. Her favorite team came through for her this year. Wearing her new Reggie White jersey, Barb watched them win the Super Bowl. As great as that was for her, she was even happier that she won a double or nothing bet with Ross. You still owe her $10 and she’ll be expecting it, in cash when she sees you next.

She loved water. For several years she and George had a boat and many happy hours were spent at Pomona and Lake Stockton. She tried water skiing but was unsuccessful so she just enjoyed being out on the water.

Barb loved to travel. You said “go” and she had her bag packed. She also loved trains so a few years ago we took a trip to Chicago on the Amtrak. It was one of our most fun trips. She didn’t really care who she was travelling with as long as she was going! When I was younger she would take my brother and I on trips in the summer… Hannibal, Topeka, didn’t matter where we went it was a good time. She and her sisters would take trips together. She and George recently drove to Texas to take an old friend to dinner.

To leave the world a bit better. Barb loved to volunteer. She was a past member of Soroptimist International of Kansas City and did many volunteer projects with them. She was always up for anything. When she was put in charge of the “Fish Pond” at a carnival for disadvantaged children Barb went all out constructing a back ground, making fishing poles and even mounting a “Billy Bass” to entertain the kids while they waited. When volunteering to watch children at Rose Brooks Center while their mothers enjoyed an evening of pampering, Barb let the children do a make-over on her with play cosmetics. She was active in FCE where she was their past president and enjoyed helping to plan events and their yearly service projects. We often joked with Barb that she married the perfect house husband since George cooks, cleans and goes to the grocery store. Barb was the only person I knew of that the grocery store would always open a line for and check out because she was always so agitated when grocery shopping. Her FCE chapter is called “The Ideal Homemakers”. Barb knew the family would joke with her unmercifully if we ever knew. I believe she was a member over a year before she let it slip. And yes, we did joke with her unmercifully. But I know that she loved being a part of the group and I know they loved having her from all the cards and calls we have received.

If you knew Barb you knew that she loved the Hallmark character Maxine. She loved the sense of humor and crabbiness… a friend even described her as a “real life Maxine”.

Barb was more than just my aunt to me. She was my friend. We talked daily. She was there for me during the absolute worst times in my life, the best times of my life and every mundane detail in between. Barb was a success. That’s what makes all of this so difficult. She went too soon, she went too fast. And now we’re left numb and having to carry on. But we will carry on, because Barb would expect it. She would want us to cry, she would want us to mourn, but then she would want us to bounce back. To live life to its fullest. Her passing is a reminder to us all to never waste a minute. Stop and smell the flowers, take that trip you’ve been planning to, find some beauty in the every day. That’s how we will honor her memory.

After the funeral  it was back to the house to change clothes and head over to the hospital.  The hospital I had sworn Monday I wasn’t going to step foot in again for a long time.  I told my Mom and Aunt to go home.  I could do the weekend and would need them more next week if this turned out to be a long illness.  They left.  It was in my hands now.

The good news is it turned out to be a very small stroke.  An isolated incident.  He has a good shot at a full recovery of function in his left side.  He will need some physical therapy to help with balance.  He’s OK to live alone and to drive.  I stayed at their house Thursday night to take care of some things, field phone calls, update people, etc.  and brought him home Friday.  While he was in the hospital he made me the primary on his Medical Power of Attorney.  Apparently in the coming weeks he is planning on putting me on some other things.  Since he has no “blood” relatives that he keeps in contact with there is a lot more paperwork to do since I’m not considered in the eyes of the law as a primary relative.

I came back home for good last night.  No worrying that the phone was going to ring summonsing me back to the hospital.  I slept for 14 hours straight.  Fell asleep on the couch after I ate something and I don’t think a stick of dynamite could have woken me up.

Today I’m spending time with my guys.  Thursday was the only day in this marathon that I didn’t either wake Robert up in the morning or tuck him in at night.  We’ve done as much as we can to keep his life as normal as possible.  Eventually he will realize that Barbs isn’t here anymore.  In the future he will have his blog, pictures and videos to help him remember and see how much she adored him.

I have a list a mile long of thank-yous to write.  And a few select people to contact about contributing to a bench in her memory at Deanna Rose Farmstead.  I promised my uncle I wasn’t going to smother him but next time I would listen when he said something was physically wrong with him.

This all started 10 day ago.  It seems longer, it seems shorter.  We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve leaned on each other.  And I grew up.  I’ve crossed a line in the family and I can’t go back… no matter how much I’d like, I’ll never be a child in this family again.

Life goes on.  And life is good. 

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Brain Dump 2

I was on my way to work this morning when my Mom called.  My aunt took a turn for the worse overnight and was paralyzed on her right side and unresponsive.  So much for the office, I headed to the hospital.  Things only got worse from there.

The paralyzation is being caused, we think, from swelling in the brain.  They have been unable to get that under control with medication.  The biopsy also came back.  She has the worst form of brain cancer there is.  Glioblastoma MultiformeThe treatment protocol is pretty aggressive but the outcome seems to be the same. 

Unfortunately, right now the resistant to treatment malignant cancer is the least of our problems.  We have to get the swelling under control.  We made the tough decision to intubate her.  We need to protect her airway and keep any drainage out of her lungs.  If not we’ll be looking at life threatening pneumonia.  She is not heavily sedated and all we can do is wait.  I suck at wait.  I did finally convince my uncle to go home and rest.  There is nothing else that can be done today and he needs to keep his strength up.  We’ll both be back at the hospital early tomorrow.  I plan to be there all weekend.  I’m taking a bag and am prepared to stay at the hospital or at their house if needed.

I did send an email to the people on my list and ask them that they please do not call the house.  My uncle is exhausted and the last thing he needs when he is home trying to rest is a bunch of people calling.  I know they love and care for her too but they’re gonna just have to settle for email updates right now.

Jim got permission to leave the class he is in and catch the first available flight home.  He landed a few minutes ago and went to pick up Robert.  That will allow me to get an uninterrupted night’s sleep and hopefully be fresh in the morning.  Unfortunately I have a killer headache… wonder if it’s just sympathy pains. 

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Brain Dump

The surgery did not go as planned.  The day, therefore, did not go as planned.  I’m numb.  I’m worried.  I’m scared… and I don’t get scared.  But, it could be worse.

I got a call from my Mom at noon.  She said they had to take more brain tissue than they had expected and it was wait and see when she woke up.  I was holding it together pretty good until my Mom said, “She knows you love her.”  Then I lost it, at my cubicle.  My boss came in and asked if I was OK… I wasn’t.  But I needed to be.  I told him I was going to lunch.  I called my friend Dianne.  I called Jim.  I called Renee.  I had to go to the hospital.  I couldn’t “wait and see” from afar anymore.  I went back to the office and checked out.

I got to the hospital and found out that the message Mom had gotten was a little bit off.  Turns out they got into her brain and couldn’t find the tumor.  The tumor that showed up on FOUR MRI’s… that showed up on THIS MORNING’s MRI.  There was brain tissue that was “discolored”  They took biopsy samples and we should know in a few days.  Radiation was mentioned.  Chemo was mentioned.  All of a sudden our “benign, most common brain tumor” isn’t that… but we don’t know what it is. 

She was moved to ICU and we were able to go in and see her.  At first she was looking around (still very groggy) and didn’t seem to be recognizing any of us.  I was determined that she couldn’t be “gone”.  She was in there somewhere.  After a few minutes (that seemed like hours) she started recognizing us.  She looked at me and said, “Why are you here?”  Since she isn’t ready yet to process everything that is going on I wanted her to think I just came by so I told her “I got bored at the office so I came over.”  She was speaking very softly, her mouth and lips were incredibly dry.  She would smile when Robert was mentioned.  She passed all of her initial cognition tests (follow my finger, count to 8, where are you?, what’s your name?) – that was a huge relief.

My uncle asked what time I needed to pick up Robert, I told him 6 but I had already arranged with Nancy to pick him up if needed.  She immediately shot me a look and said, “No, you get him!”  Always thinking of her little guy.

I left the hospital at 4.  The anesthesia should be worn off by now.  My uncle is staying at the hospital tonight.  He’s scared, he’s worried, he doesn’t want her to know he’s scared and worried.  He’s afraid she’ll wake up in the middle of the night in pain and need someone to hold her hand.  He’s held it for 46 years.

So, we’re at wait right now.  I hate wait.  I’m more of a “do” type of person.  Jim’s in Chicago so it’s making it hard for me to be as “available” as I would like to be.  If he was here I’d sleep in the ICU waiting room at night, or take the shift in her room tomorrow night so my uncle could go home… I know he still won’t sleep but at least he could “not sleep” in comfort.

I’m worried and wondering is this “the start”.  I’ve feared “the start” for years now.  My Mom is the only one of her siblings (she, Ann & Sue) who had children.  And I’m the only child left.  That leaves a mother, two aunts and two uncles who are all over 65 now.  There are five years between Mom and Sue.  I know that someday one of them will get sick and then it will be another, and then another.  And I’m definitely sandwich generation… I’ve got a three year old son and a seventy year old mother.  And I want to be able to care for them all.  And I wonder some days if that’s possible.  And I’m not ready for “the start”, so this needs to just be a blip. 

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New 52–Week 5

Seeing a theme in my “New”’s so far this year???  Yep, most of my “new”-ness seems to revolve around food and family, and they tend to occur on the weekends… our family time.  I wonder how many years it will be until Robert will no longer think it’s super cool to hang out with his parents… he’s only three but I know I’m going to blink and that day will have come.  So, best not waste a minute of it.  If I’m lucky, he’ll never be totally repulsed by the thought of spending an entire Saturday with his parents.  If he’s lucky, he’ll one day have a child who thinks spending an entire Saturday with him is super cool.  If I do my job well, he will be that lucky.

We had a team of sisters from the store “Stuff” in Brookside come to speak to our Soroptimist group last week.  I’ve been in the store a few times before and follow the store on Facebook, and had read a bit about the sisters but after hearing them speak I liked them and their store even more.  And it got me to thinking about small businesses and how much I appreciate great customer service and unique things that you just don’t get a big box retailers.  Then this week there was an article in the paper about Reading Reptile, a really cool children’s book store in the same strip that also has sells cupcakes.  I was trolling their website and reading one of the owner’s blogs and came across this.

“It’s always the Little Guy, you know? The economy collapses and everybody starts worrying about the Little Guy. “Is the Little Guy okay?” they wonder. I can’t tell you how many times in recent weeks somebody’s stopped me in the grocery store aisle with that pained expression reserved for chemo patients and dead relatives and ventured the question: “Has the economy affected your business?” If it’s a friend or someone I actually know I cheer them up with a punch line that doubles as an absolution if need be – “What difference does it make? Business always sucks,” I say – and we have a little laugh together. It’s a polite way of saying that one should worry about the Little Guy when the economy is good because that’s when we tend to forget about him entirely.”

That got me to thinking about this… Project 3/50.  I read about it a while ago and thought it was really cool.  I need to get past the “think” stage and move on to the “do” stage.  So, my goal by March 1 is to come up with what I want my 3 stores to be.  $50 a month is not a huge commitment (which is good because right now we don’t have huge money).  We spent over $50 today so it doesn’t take long!  My goal is to really think about the locally owned stores that I like to go to.  The ones that if they closed their doors tomorrow I would miss.  Perhaps even become a customer that they would miss if I quit coming in.  I’ll let you know when I have my three.

We had planned on eating at Oak Street Café but it was closed.  Aaarrgghhh.  Normally wouldn’t have been a big problem but I had gone online last night to find someplace that had pancakes (Robert’s favorite) and had told him, all the way there, that we were going to have pancakes and chocolate milk.  McDonald’s to the rescue.
Brookside Pancakes

I’m pretty sure that Stuff is going to be one of them.  And this is why.  Beyond the fact that the owners are really cool and philanthropic and I love their tag “Pursue Good Stuff”.  We went in today and all the workers were really nice.  And they talked and listened.  And I didn’t make a huge purchase, but it was an important one to me.  My aunt is haivng her surgery this week to remove the tumor from her brain.  I found these mini note cards that said, “Oh Fuck It”.  A bit tacky but just what we need right now.  I know that’s how she’s feeling and she’s going to feel that way a few days after the surgery too.  When the clerk heard they were a gift she showed me the cool hand made holders they had for them… they were adorable and would bring the gift together nicely.  I bought it!  The perfect gift.  She even offered to gift wrap it for me.  Then… she said I also got a pack of the same mini not cards that say “Pursue Good Stuff” on them.  I love them.  My mind was instantly swirling with what I would do with these because they are special and can’t just be frittered away with “honey do” requests to the husband.  I think I’ve decided what to do… check back on my “New” week 6 or 7 (or 8 depending on how busy I get between now and then”.

After Stuff we headed over to Reading Reptile.  We found books on pirates and dinosaurs for Robert (his two current passions).  We also stopped to buy some cupcakes at the counter.  They are all named after fairy tale characters.  We got  “Grandma”, “Little Red”, “Goldilocks” and “Big Bad Wolf”.  Big Bad Wolf is delicious!!!
Brookside Cupcake
Brookside Cupcake Box
Brookside Reading Reptile
Brookside Reading Reptile 2

After that we hit the Brookside Toy Store and picked up a Wonderful Waterfalls toy for Robert.  It’s the pirate one of course.  A totally low tech toy.  My brother got a basketball one for Christmas when he was 11.  I remember being at Independence Center Christmas shopping with my parents.  Mom send Dad and I to the toy store (one of the only times I remember my Dad shopping with us… especially at a mall!)  He picked that out for my brother.  I remember playing it for hours with him.  A deliciously low tech toy.  Robert loves it.

By then it was time to head home.  Robert loves his new dinosaur books… even took a turn reading one to me.
Brookside BookBrookside Book2


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Returning to Normal

Jim got our driveway scooped today.  The city has lifted the State of Emergency.  The roads are pretty well cleared.  Life is getting back to normal.  Tomorrow it’s back to daycare for Robert and the office for Jim and I.  We have had a good time together.  It’s always fun to “steal” a few extra hours of life with Robert.  He has kept us entertained and on our feet with visits from pirates, super heroes and my favorite, baby t-rex.  He can entertain himself when he needs to which allowed Jim and I to answer emails and work on projects that past two days. 

He had donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast yesterday thanks to Jim’s early morning QuikTrip run.
Donuts and Choc Milk

Then he climbed up at the pass-through with Jim and used his DVD player and a book to make a computer so he could work alongside Daddy.
Home Office 1Home Office 2Home Office 3Home Office 4

It was also nice to catch up on some scrapbook pages.
Pork Loin - Week 3New 52 Week 4 - Chinese New Year
January 21january 28-30

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We’re in the middle of a full blown blizzard here in Kansas City.  We got over 9 inches of snow today and it’s blowing like crazy.  Luckily Jim and I both are able to work from home when conditions are this miserable.  The National Guard has been mobilized in the state and Kansas City has declared a State of Emergency.  It’s ugly outside but inside we are warm and toasty.  We have plenty of food, and with Robert there is no shortage of entertainment.

We pretend to be super heroes and go rescue things…

He also does impersonations… here he is a baby t-rex begging for dino treats..

Last night Robert was not going to sleep.  I don’t know if the impending blizzard had an effect like the full moon but he went non-stop for hours.

He danced…

He read to me..
Reading Thomas 1Reading Thomas 2Reading Thomas 3

Eventually he crashed out though.
Sleeping Pirate

Tonight he fell asleep at 5pm and we were not able to wake him up for dinner.  I guess it’s hard working babysitting/entertaining your parents all day.  Tomorrow we’ll do it all over again!

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